FAQs on Travel Insurance, H1N1

Travel Guard is providing consumers with facts on travel insurance coverage related to H1N1 following the U.S. Department of Health's recent release of an official response guide designed to educate Americans about the virus and seasonal flu precautions. Specifically, Travel Guard is advising travelers to take precautionary measures to minimize H1N1's potential impact on their winter travel plans.

Travel Guard is supplementing the information featured in the new Department of Health guide, titled H11N1 Flu: A Guide for Community and Faith-Based Organizations, by advising clients to take appropriate precautions when traveling to areas affected by H1N1, and responding to client questions regarding travel insurance coverage and H1N1 as the winter travel season begins.

Below are commonly asked questions and answers regarding Travel Guard's retail travel insurance plans and H1N1.

Q: If I were to contract the H1N1 virus, would I be covered for trip cancellation?

A: Most plans provide trip cancellation coverage as long as the plan was purchased before the traveler contracted H1N1, and the traveler selected a plan that includes coverage due to unforeseen illness.

Q: If I were to contract H1N1 on my trip, would I have coverage for medical expenses?

A: Most plans can provide medical coverage as long as the virus was contracted while on the trip. 

Q: Would I have coverage if I am quarantined for health related reasons while traveling?

A: Yes, some plans can reimburse the insured for additional expenses incurred if the insured is quarantined due to H1N1 or other covered reasons, up to the maximum limits of the coverage.

Q: Would I have coverage for trip cancellation if the government issues a travel warning covering the area I am scheduled to travel to?

A: Generally, travel insurance plans do not provide trip cancellation coverage due to government warnings.

"Our worldwide travel assistance division continues to monitor developments related to H1N1 and its impact on winter travelers," said Dan McGinnity, Vice President of Travel Guard.

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