Social Media Tips – Meet Pinterest’s New Pins

Pinterest just announced on its blog a series of new pins aimed at providing users the ability to share more information with their pinned items. New pins include:

Product pins – includes pricing, availability, and where to buy
Recipe pins – includes cook time, ingredients and servings
Movie pins – includes ratings and cast

Why is this important to travel agents? The last time we covered Pinterest in this column, one of our readers noted that recipes – one of the targets of this new feature – are a popular Pinterest item.

“Think outside travel, recipes and fashion are very popular on Pinterest so I include those kind of things as well for more repins and likes,” Kari Thomas told us on our Facebook page at the time.

In addition to taking advantage of the inborn popularity of these new features, they also allow agents to showcase their own interests, which is often a strategy for success on social media.

In our recent cover story, Julie Squires, CEO of branding, market consulting, digital marketing and public relations firm Softscribe, advised following your own interests as a way of playing to your strengths, especially if you’re just starting out.

“Pick the social media venue to start with that you’re already doing personally,” she said. “Recognize your natural aptitude and go with the strengths that you’ve already developed.”

If that aptitude includes a passion for food or movies, these new pins could come in handy. What do you think? Let us know your thoughts and any findings you have with these pins on our Facebook page and in the comments below.