Fiji Reactivates Tourism Action Group

Fiji on December 11 reactivated its Tourism Action Group to spur recovery, unite the tourism industry and enable it to speak with one voice during the recovery period. "The four-week-long impasse and the change in government has been peaceful, with the tourism industry functioning normally," noted Viliame (Bill) Gavoka, chief executive of the Fiji Visitors Bureau, in making the announcement. He credited the action group with being the driving force behind the recovery after Fiji's 2000 upheaval. The committee will be led by the previous chairman, Damend Gounder of Tour Managers and president of the Society of Fiji Travel Associates (SOFTA). The group will have two committees-one dealing with domestic issues and the other with international marketing. The international committee will comprise Joe Tuamoto, FVB director of marketing, Tony Whitton of Rosie's Holidays representing SOFTA, Bill Whiting of Bedbank, Aaron McGrath of Sonaisali Island Resort representing hoteliers and a representative of Air Pacific. Visit []. (CF)