ARC Changes Procedure for Branch Acquisitions

ARC reports it has taken a new look at an old subject and a fresh approach to Type IV Ownership Changes. Responding to concerns from both airlines and travel agents about integrity in ownership changes, ARC has changed language in applicable Type IV ownership change forms effective April 2, 2010.

Ownership change applicants are required to attest to the completeness of the sale with documentation to include:

       Copies of lease agreements for each location involved in the sale
·       Receipts for safe deposit boxes or off-premises storage facilities for the transferred locations  
·       Documentation showing transfer of GDS contracts or assignment of same
·       A bill of sale and purchase agreement and/or contract
·       All necessary local business licenses
·       Sellers of Travel Registrations where applicable (CA & FL)

In addition ARC says:
·       Individual Type IV applications are no longer required when acquiring multiple branches. Instead, agents may use a new Location Transfer Form for additional branches
·       Buyers and sellers are no longer required to list owner/officer information as this should already be information in ARC’s possession
·       The number of notary sections have been reduced to one notarized signature for each party (seller and buyer)

Travel agencies submitting applications for Type IV Ownership Changes are asked to commence using the update forms found online at and