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As more and more travel agents are acting as independent affiliates and/or home-based travel agents, we at TravelAgentCentral.com wondered: Would you ever consider going back to a brick-and-mortar travel agency? If yes, why? And if not, why not?

Here's what some agents have said:

Ebony Harris wrote, "I want to be an agent at home. That way I can save on renting a space."

Taegan Taaler Walker wrote, "No. NEVVA!!! :) I relish working from home and working on a referral basis. Being tied to a downtown office would drag me down!"
Agent Barbara Ovittore wrote, "I had my store front for almost 12 years and 2 months ago I went back to [being] home based. Less stress, less cost and still have my repeat clients and new clients coming in. I can spend time with my husband and granddaughter...Enjoying Life and more..."

We’re hoping to hear your feedback on our Travel Agent Facebook Fan Page, so feel free to write on our wall and let us know your thoughts.

Visit www.facebook.com/travelagentmagazine.