Nexion Launches Strategic Sales Coaching

In an innovative move, Nexion reports the launch of its Strategic Sales Coaching program to  provide member agents the opportunity to work one-on-one with an expert Nexion staff member who acts as the agent’s dedicated business coach.

Agents review their current state of business with Nexion staff and discuss areas they would like to develop or improve upon. Nexion staff then determines the coach best suited to work with each agent based on their individual needs.

“Nexion is always looking for new and innovative ways to further engage our travel agent members and assist them in growing their businesses,” said Nexion President Jackie Friedman

“One important focus for us is on developing both our members who are brand new to the industry, and those who are experienced. We recognize our newer agents need guidance in learning the hard and soft skills involved with selling travel and that our experienced agents can always benefit from furthering the skills and strategies they have mastered. Our Strategic Sales Coaching program gives members the personalized attention they may not be able to find elsewhere,” Friedman says.

Agents commit to working with their coach over a 90-day period for 30 minutes each week on the phone. As a team, they work on: Discovering the members’ niches; Focusing on short- and long-term business goals; Brainstorming creative ways to market their businesses and how to retain current customers while attracting new ones.

All participating agents determine what they want to accomplish from the program, Nexion says. To help them stay focused, their coaches break down their goals into weekly tasks. During each weekly call, coaches discuss progress and any roadblocks encountered along the way. This keeps the agents – most of whom are home-based – connected to Nexion and accountable to their individual businesses. It also allows agents a chance to strategize with someone outside of their agency, Nexion says.

The impact of this program was invaluable, said Nexion agent Ted De Sibio of Cooper City, Florida. "It taught me how to focus and what to focus on. My Strategic Sales Coach was outstanding and helped guide me through the intricacies of generating new business, not to mention all the tips and tricks of the industry she knew. She opened my eyes to a whole new way of approaching my business and helped determine the direction I should be going. I plan on being a million dollar producing agent for Nexion and believe it is not a far reach for me because of these types of programs.”

Strategic Sales Coaching is an added benefit to becoming a part of Nexion and is provided at no cost to the agent. So far, over 100 Nexion agents have taken advantage of Strategic Sales Coaching, Nexion reports.

Nexion is a wholly-owned branch of Tzell Travel Group (a Travel Leaders Group company) and is a fully licensed, bonded and accredited agency and a host agency since 1995. Nexion provides ticketing, operations, fulfillment support and marketing services allowing members to focus on selling travel.
