Our Readers Speak Out on Airlines' View of Agents

Have the airlines forgotten that travel agents are already doing the airlines' work for nothing? We sell tickets to their customers and get not a dime in return. They are off their rockers if they think we're going to PAY THEM for doing THEIR JOB!!

Travel Agent reader Kathy is not the only one fired up about what some airline executives are asking of or saying about travel agents. Her posted comment is one of several coming over the wires today after Travel Agent yesterday published an open letter to the airline industry that was written by ASTA President Chris Russo.

Even Kevin Mitchell, chairman of the Business Travel Coalition, shared his thoughts on the matter, posting the following:

It is perhaps time for the U.S. DOJ to remind the entire travel industry of the antitrust laws and principles as they apply to us, including avoiding even the appearance of telegraphing future business intentions, or using the press to facilitate consensus or coordination relating to future business strategies. Whether couched as a dream or vision, it’s wrong.

A forum discussion about the subject is underway at AgentNation, the online community for all travel agents. We invite agents to share their opinions on the matter.