New Version of "Amadeus Selling Platform Connect" Debuts

keyboardAmadeus unveiled the latest version of its Amadeus Selling Platform Connect, a professional booking and fulfillment platform. Travel agencies may now access their customers’ bookings from anywhere in the world and from any device with an Internet connection.

No software need be installed, and the platform can be accessed through a user ID and password. So agencies can access bookings more effectively worldwide and at less cost. They can also instantly access updates and new tools installed by Amadeus.

The Amadeus Selling Platform Connect first launched in 2012.  Today, more than 1,500 people use this platform.“Ever since we started using Amadeus Selling Platform Connect, we have been very happy with the system and have found it very user friendly," said Usha Lama, owner of Third Eye Travel, in the San Francisco area. "Being a web based application it enables our agents to access information from anywhere and get in touch with our clients any time.”

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In a press release, Amadeus said that as travelers' needs evolve, so do the requirements of travel agencies and more travel advisors are working from home. "Amadeus has used its technological expertise to design a solution that adapts to these changing requirements, enabling agencies to anticipate traveler needs while greatly reducing their support and running costs," the line's press release stated.

The platform has strong customization and regionalization capabilities, enabling travel agencies to request local content integration or to have the solution packages designed to fit their way of working. It also provides such tools for agencies as Cryptic Magic, which translates cryptic commands into graphical actions, as well as a number of productivity enhancements.

The new navigation model provides seamless interaction between the graphical interface and the command page, thanks toadvanced user research design techniques.

The new solution is gradually being rolled out across the Amadeus markets. Today, it's been introduced in more than 20 markets including North America, Latin America, eastern Europe and Africa, with more regions to receive the solution soon.

Amadeus said it offers full support to help customers migrate from existing solutions as well as new customers who join the platform.

Gary Oakley, vice president, Travel Services at House of Travel, Miamia, FL, said he sees a day coming when business will no longer be tied to the confines of an office. "We need to be out among our clients," he says. "We can’t sit in one place any longer."

He believes the Amadeus Selling Platform Connect provides the flexibility needs for meeting clients, learning new things and booking travel. "The future requires that we, travel professionals, continue to learn, grow, and expose ourselves to new solutions," Oakley says.

Rudy Daniello, director, distribution product management at Amadeus, said his company is helping to shape the future of travel by giving customers a solution which is in tune with their work-flow and can be customized to suit their exact business needs. "The online flexibility also opens a whole range of new opportunities to agents in terms of mobility, synchronization across the network, and reduced technical costs," Daniello said.

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