American Railway Explorer Details Unveiled

In May, we reported on the 2011 summer launch of American Railway Explorer (ARE), offering four different itineraries around the United States. We followed up and discovered the "rail cruise" will be agent-commissionable.

To recap, the Phil Anschutz-owned line will start at approximately $900 per day for the four-day West Coast Explorer, traveling from Napa and Los Angeles, and up to $1,500 per day for the 11-day Transcontinental Explorer, from Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Eight-day trips will include The Southwest Explorer between Napa and Santa Fe, NM, and The Northwest Explorer between Napa and Jackson, WY.

This spring, the Examiner announced passengers will start their journey at an overnight stay in a hotel for a welcome dinner in the originating city. Travel Agent Central also found out services onboard ARE will include having their sleeper cars straightened up overnight, similar to a hotel. Details, including agent deals, will be forthcoming.

As a travel agent, what amenities and opportunities do you hope ARE offers as the prospect of travel by rail becomes more prevalent in the future? Please let us know. Post a comment below. Write us at our Facebook page. Send a tweet to our Twitter page (@travelagentmag). Join the discussion thread at AgentNation. We want to hear from you.