Vacations By Rail Offers Family-Friendly Rail Options

trainA family vacation provides a singular opportunity for families to take a break from day-to-day routines and reconnect with each other,  says Chicago-based specialty travel company Vacations By Rail, suggesting new opportunities in train vacations.

 “A rail vacation is unique in that it gives families a real opportunity to admire the cities and landscapes through which they are traveling while truly appreciating each other’s company,” said Todd Powell, president of Vacations By Rail. 

“Travel by train offers families the chance to spend time together in a relaxing and fun manner," Powell said. He noted that train travel alleviates all of the hassles that come from flying or driving. “The convenience factor is enormous. There is no need to stop for meals or overnight accommodations. It’s all on the train.”

Some of the rail vacation options cited by Powell include:

One of the most popular family-friendly rail vacations is the 6-day Grand Canyon Rails to the Rim Adventure.

Family travel during the holiday season is also popular including a Christmas in the Rockies vacation. 

Other vacation options  include Arizona Spring Training By Rail, combining popular sights of the southwest with baseball spring training, and America’s Coast to Coast with Glacier, showcasing the best of the northern U.S by train. 

Vacations By Rail urges agents to look at its complete product line.  
