Virgin Fights for Flights in U.S.

Following the Department of Transportation's rejection of Virgin America's operating license, the budget carrier has launched a web site to garner support. offers site visitors opportunities to virtually view VA's cabins, sign the petition to "change the way America flies" and read the carrier's blog. "Why, at a time when so many major airlines in this country are in or just emerging from bankruptcy, would the DOT let the best capitalized startup airline in U.S. history simply go away?," the petition states. "Virgin America has already passed its FAA approval process-proving that it is safe and prepared to serve U.S. passengers. In a deregulated environment, nothing else should matter. Give them a chance to succeed or fail on their own." The DOT earlier this month rejected Virgin America's airline application, stating that the airline is not 75 percent owned and controlled by U.S. citizens. Visit [].