Stat: 19 Percent of Millennials Decide Vacation Destination Primarily by Social Media

In past week's we've taken a look at how Millennials rate social media over other, more traditional forms of travel advertising at the four stages of the travel buying process. Now, courtesy of MMGY Global's 2015 Portrait of American Travelers, we have a look at how social media can impact a Millennial traveler's decision to book overall. 


Compared to older generations, Millennials are significantly more likely to be influenced by what they read and see on social media.

Social media is also influencing Millennial travel decisions at the brand selection level. Millennials are more likely than the other age groups to have based a travel service provider selection partially or primarily on what they saw on social media. 

Travel marketers should recognize this emerging trend and develop comprehensive social media strategies to engage with these consumers on their terms. 

Source: MMGY Global