Millennials planning a trip to French Polynesisa and looking for a solid dip-worthy pool should check out the elegant pool at Hotel Kia Ora Resort & Spa.
This chic pool is located at Hotel Kia Ora Resort & Spa on the atoll of Rangiroa, the second-largest atoll in the world located in Tahiti.
While taking a swim in this pool, Millennials can take in views of the Rangiroa lagoon, which is the second largest in the world. If you stand far enough back in the pool, it's hard to tell where the pool ends and the lagoon begins as the colors of each practically blend together.
The bar is just in front of the pool. There is pool-side bar service. They have two new cocktails made with Rangiroa honey called a "Sweet Honeymoon" and "Honey Martini."
Agents should note that the pool area cannot be rented out unless there is a hotel buy-out.
Rangiroa is a one-hour flight from Tahiti. Travel Agent was told that from the air it looks like a large pearl necklace gently placed on the water.
Known as “The Infinite Lagoon,” Rangiroa’s coral ring creates a seemingly endless display of deep turquoise and lapis blue. Because there’s no island runoff, the visibility in the lagoon is over 150 feet and the temperature is a constant 80 degrees.
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