New Air Tours from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon has added Las Vegas-Grand Canyon tours to its offerings. Previously, the Mesa, AZ-company provided tours only from locations across Arizona.

Options include Grand Canyon Helicopter tours landing in the Canyon, Grand Canyon Bus Tours from Las Vegas, and sunset tours.

The company reports that while the most popular destination in Arizona is the Grand Canyon South Rim, the Grand Canyon Skywalk, which was completed in 2007, has given a competitive edge to the West Rim, which is much closer to Las Vegas than the South Rim. The Grand Canyon Skywalk has become one of the most popular destinations in the world. The horseshoe-shaped glass bridge suspended over 4,000 feet above the bottom of the canyon rises higher that the worlds larges skyscrapers. The skywalk is owned by the Hualapai Indians.

Bottom Line? People can fly over the area and be back to their hotel in less than three hours.

While the Glass Skywalk is an amazing site,’s most requested tour leaving Las Vegas is the Colorado River Rafting and Helicopter Tour from Vegas. The company says it hopes this tour will gain quick popularity among its visitors because of the diverse experience it offers to tourists of the area. V

Explore Arizona Tours is an online booking agency for tours across the state of Arizona. Working with dozens of tour operators, the company has a tour catalog consisting of over 150 tours, all of which can be reserved online through a quick, secure booking system.
