U.S. Travel Urges Caution on Allowing Phone Calls on Flights

The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) recent decision to consider allowing cell phone conversations on passenger flights above 10,000 feet gained a qualified approval from U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow.

"“When considering this kind of policy change, safety and security always need to be the top priority, and the final policy needs to be coherent and readily enforceable. We should also carefully consider whether allowing open cell phone conversations during flights truly enhances the passenger experience.

Personally, I have my doubts that the traveling public will wholeheartedly embrace this, but we should be abundantly clear on whether or not that’s true before this policy is allowed to proceed," Dow said in a statement.

"“Bottom line: this decision should be undertaken based on the best possible data—data on safety, data from passengers, data from airlines and flight crews—as was the decision by the FAA a couple weeks ago to consider allowing the limited use of electronic devices on planes. If enacted, this new policy on phone calls would be a sizable step beyond that," Dow said.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  on October 31 determined that it is safe for airlines to allow the use of personal electronic devices during takeoff and landing and said it is acting immediately to provide airlines with new guidance for implementing the changes. ”

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