Celebrating 80 Years: Retaining Agents in 1977

While the current economic downturn has produced a rise in travel agency acquisitions and mergers, some travel professionals have been feeling the pressure when it comes to changes within, our outside of, their company— including the security of their own jobs. If only we could go back to happier and more stable times, like back in the late 1970s.  The economy was experiencing much better times back then when comapred to now, which made it difficult for some travel agencies to ensure longevity amongst its staff due to competition.

Travel Agent covered this scenario back in 1977, noting that the more agencies there are, the more opportunities agency employees had for better deals elsewhere (see page 14 of the story for yourself by clicking here and follow up with page 17 by clicking here).

As we celebrate our 80th anniversary, we're taking a look at what was happening in the industry in the past and asking agents to share their thoughts on what has changed in the industry up until the present. So please share your thoughts by posting a comment below, writing us at our Facebook page, sending a tweet to our Twitter page or by engaging in a discussion in real time at AgentNation (the only social community online for all kinds of travel agents, which certainly wasn't around 80 years ago). We want to hear from you.

And while you're here, learn more about how we're celebrating eight decades of covering the travel industry for travel professionals.