New Survey Shows Strong Optimism Among Advisors for 2025

As the travel industry continues to thrive, advisors are riding a wave of confidence into 2025. According to a new survey of advisors affiliated with TravelSavers and Nest agencies, 79 percent predict their revenues will grow even further next year. Driving this anticipated growth is a shift in consumer behavior: Travelers will increasingly turn to a professional consultant for a superior vacation experience. Ninety-three percent of the respondents envision that consumer demand for working with advisors will remain steady or grow further.

In addition to the 27 percent who predict their sales will increase significantly and 52 percent who predict their sales will increase somewhat, about one in five (18 percent) expect their sales to stay the same in 2025. Four percent predict believe their sales will decrease somewhat.

Despite two years of healthy sales increases and an industry-wide shortage of consultants, most—but not all—advisors would still welcome a boost to their business. Seventy-nine percent expressed a desire to add clients, while 19 percent are satisfied with their current numbers. Just two percent would prefer to downsize their clientele.

Another major trend reshaping the industry is the rapid adoption of generative artificial intelligence. The survey revealed a significant uptick in AI usage among advisors:

  • 12 percent now use it frequently, up from 8 percent last year
  • 20 percent use it occasionally, compared to 14 percent in the 2024 survey
  • 9 percent say they don’t and won’t use it, down from 24 percent last year
  • Despite the wide exposure AI has received recently, 29 percent say they are still not familiar enough with it

Advisor perceptions of AI are also more positive:

  • 29 percent now say it’s a great tool, compared to 16 percent last year
  • Negative sentiment has dropped from 13 to 7 percent
  • 24 percent say they’re still not familiar enough with AI

To capitalize on this shift, AMG has introduced a proprietary AI tool that empowers advisors to market to clients and prospects in minutes instead of hours. AI Connect will integrate exclusive partner offers into marketing materials such as social media captions, blog posts and landing pages. Trained specifically for the travel industry, the tool learns each advisor’s unique tone, delivering materials that are on brand and on target.

Advisors from TravelSavers and Nest agency affiliates in the U.S. and Canada took the survey from October 29 to November 16, 2024. 

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