Stats: 30% Have Left Job Over Lack of Flexible Work

Flexible work options are important to workers, according to a new survey from FlexJobs that polled more than 7,300 respondents. According to the report, 30 percent of workers have left a job because it did not offer flexible work options, and 16 percent are currently looking for a new job specifically because of work flexibility issues. What’s more, 80 percent said that they would be more loyal to their employers if they had flexible work options, while more than half (52%) of workers have tried to negotiate flexible work arrangements with their employer. 

“The flexible job market is currently very robust, so flexible job seekers are also feeling empowered to seek jobs that are more compatible with their life,” said FlexJobs Founder and CEO Sara Sutton in a written statement. “In fact, 80 percent of job seekers say they are confident in their flexible job prospects.”

Here are some more key findings from the survey:

On productivity:

  • Sixty-five percent workers think they would be more productive working from home than working in a traditional office environment.
  • Fewer distractions (74%), fewer interruptions from colleagues (72%), reduced stress from commuting (70%), and minimal office politics (64%) are the top reasons people prefer their home office. 
  • Only 8 percent would choose to go to the office during traditional office hours when they need to optimize their productivity.

On interest in remote work:

  • Seventy-one percent have telecommuted in a job before.
  • Of those who telecommuted in 2018, 19 percent telecommuted more this year than last year.
  • Eighty-two percent of respondents know someone who telecommutes.
  • Telecommuting is the most in-demand type of flexible work arrangement (76%), followed by flexible schedules (72%), part-time (46%), and freelance (39%).
  • Less than 5 percent worry a lot that a flexible work arrangement will hurt their career progression.

On flexible job seekers:

  • Wanting to travel (54%) is the primary reason for working, after paying for basic necessities (75%) and saving for retirement (60%)
  • Work-life balance and salary (73%) tied as the top two factors people consider when evaluating job prospects
  • Since 2013, work-life balance (75%), family (45%), time savings (42%), and commute stress (41%) have been the top four reported reasons people seek flexible work
  • Flexible job seekers are educated, with 69 percent having at least a bachelor’s degree and 28 percent having a graduate degree. They are also experienced in their career, with only 13 percent entry-level.
  • A range of audiences are interested in flexibility, such as working parents, entrepreneurs, people living in rural areas, introverts, caregivers, military spouses, and more.

On health and happiness:

  • Forty-four percent said a job with flexibility would have a huge improvement on their overall quality of life and 53 percent said it would have a positive impact.
  • Seventy-eight percent said having a flexible job would allow them to be healthier (eat better, exercise more, etc.).
  • Eighty-six percent said they’d be less stressed if they had a flexible job. 

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