Americans are largely in favor of a “vaccine passport” in order to help check COVID-19 and make travel less stressful. That’s according to recent research by Piplsay, which is powered by its parent company, Market Cube, a global full-service research operations company.
The survey, which polled over 30,000 people (aged 18 and up) in the U.S. from February 5-7, found that nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of respondents believe a vaccine passport will be a useful tool to keep a check on the virus. A similar 64 percent support the idea of travel access based on one’s health status. More than half (57 percent) think a vaccine passport will make travel less stressful.
According to Piplsay, “vaccine passports or e-certificates that contain COVID-19 test results and vaccination status may soon become mandatory for international travels, with many countries even contemplating using it for regular activities like concerts, games, movies, and even workplaces.” It’s good to note that vaccination requirements would not be completely new to travel. Case in point: Certain countries still require a yellow fever vaccination before you can travel to them.
While the majority of respondents noted they were in favor of a vaccine passport, 18 percent each said they were not sure or that the concept is unfair and discriminatory. (Using this map by Our World in Data, you can see which countries are administering the most vaccine doses per 100 people.) Similarly, 18 percent don’t think vaccine passports will be an effective tool against the virus; 17 percent are unsure.
Despite the 65 percent who feel a vaccine passport would be somewhat effective (34 percent) or effective to a great extent (31 percent) against the spread COVID, the majority of those polled do have some reservations about it. Twenty-two percent said the vaccine availability is too limited for everyone to access; 12 percent said not everyone can afford testing or a vaccine; and 10 percent said they were worried about data privacy. Twenty-eight percent said it’s unclear how effectively vaccines can stop transmission. (Tip: Harvard Health lists each company’s vaccine, noting the 70 to 95 percent effectiveness range is “well above the average effectiveness of the flu vaccine.)
Souce: Piplsay
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