Stats: More Travelers Are Looking for Sustainable Lodging

With more hotels and travel companies highlighting their commitment to sustainable operations, the latest survey commissioned by FloWater has confirmed that this is what travel consumers want, and they are willing to pay more for it. The FloWater survey of more than 500 travelers revealed that nearly six in 10 travelers are more likely to choose sustainable lodging; and over one in three travelers would pay $25 more per night for lodging with sustainable amenities. Survey results also showed that over half of these travel consumers consider sustainability important when making a purchase decision and 60 percent would rather spend their money at a business that used best practices for sustainability.

The dramatic shift in the attitudes and expectations of travelers over the past 10 years is reflected in the way they are prioritizing sustainable practices as much as they are scenic ocean views when making vacation plans. A decade ago, hotels would compete for guests by advertising their high-thread-count sheets, personalized service or access to private white sand beaches. Today, however, these same hotels and travel companies are just as likely to highlight their commitment to eliminating single-use plastics, the use of renewable energy sources and sustainable seafoods in their restaurants as they are their champagne brunch.

Drinking water is a key sustainability differentiator for many hotel guests. While bottled water was once a sign of luxury, travelers are increasingly looking to reduce plastic waste and are bringing their own reusable water bottles with an expectation that they will have easy access to filtered water sources to refill them. “Our guests are keenly aware of sustainability and wellness lifestyles, and more and more of them are arriving with their refillable water bottles in hand, expecting that we will have a plastic-free option for hydration,” says Steve Janicek, general manager at The Ritz-Carlton, Bacara.

“In years past, a hotel’s policy on sustainability was either optional or irrelevant to most travelers,” said Rich Razgaitis, CEO and co-founder of FloWater. “But today, a growing consumer consciousness on the importance of environmental issues makes creating an actionable and well-executed sustainability policy a requirement for any travel-related businesses.”

The survey polled travelers with annual incomes above $100,000. Respondents’ ages ranged from 18 to 60 years, with the majority of respondents (68 percent) falling between 30 and 44 years and over 60.

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