Brand USA to Kick Off Video-First Road Trip Marketing Campaign

On January 15, Brand USA will begin an influencer-led cross-country road trip to show off the variety of cultures and destinations in the United States. Tasked with marketing United States travel, Brand USA has designed the video-first “United Stories” campaign to inspire wanderlust, create a personal connection with an international audience and invite the world to come explore the country.

“United Stories” will begin in South Dakota and continue around the country, traveling from coast to coast and highlighting the United States’ countless cultures and destinations. Featuring content creators, storytellers and influencers from priority markets like the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and more, the campaign will attempt to create authentic emotional connections by showing foreign travelers voices from across the United States.

Traveling in a car equipped with cameras, the journey will be documented and presented in video format for people to follow along at home. Along the way, Brand USA will capture personalized and individual narratives to show off the variety of voices across the United States.

Appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, an 11-member Board of Directors oversees Brand USA. The group is establishing offices in more than 40 countries, whose travel together accounts for around 93 percent of inbound visitors to the United States.

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