The Bahamas Sees Record 9.65 Million Arrivals in 2023

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation has announced record-breaking visitor arrivals for 2023, which exceeded the projections.

Surpassing all previous records, the nation welcomed a total of 9,654,838 visitors in 2023, marking a milestone in its journey as a global tourism destination. This figure represents a 38 percent increase over 2022 and a 33 percent increase compared to the previous 2019 record. The 2023 result reveals a 17 percent increase in foreign air arrivals, totaling 1,719,980 visitors, compared to 1,470,244 in 2022. Sea arrivals also saw an "unprecedented" surge, with 7,934,858 visitors in 2023, up 43.5 percent from the 5,530,462 who visited by sea the previous year.

The distribution of visitors across the 16 island destinations further illustrates the widespread appeal of the Bahamas. New Providence attracted 4,441,540 visitors, up 36 percent, compared to 2022; Grand Bahama welcomed 559,812 visitors, marking a 44 percent increase; and the Family Islands saw a 40 percent rise, with 4,653,486 visitors arriving by sea and air.

I. Chester Cooper, deputy prime minister and minister of tourism, investments and aviation, said “This record-breaking year is a clear indication of the Bahamas’ position as a top-tier destination for travelers seeking unparalleled experiences. Our islands offer a unique blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and warm hospitality, making it a favorite of visitors from around the world.”

Latia Duncombe, director general of tourism added “As the Bahamas continues to welcome visitors with open arms, we look forward to building on this momentum. With our commitment to excellence and innovation in the tourism sector, the Bahamas is poised for even greater success in the years to come.”

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