U.S. Travel Reacts to England Reopening Plan

The U.S. Travel Association has welcomed reports of British Government planning to open England to fully vaccinated travelers from the U.S. and the E.U. from August 2, without the need for quarantine. 

Hailing the move, U.S. Travel Association Executive Vice President of Public Affairs and Policy Tori Emerson Barnes issued a statement, stating, “British government leaders have made a wise decision in reopening England to vaccinated travelers from the United States. It’s time for U.S. leaders to do the same and set a timeline to reopen our national borders—and we encourage them to start with vaccinated travelers from the U.K., E.U. and Canada. The reality is there’s no difference between a vaccinated American and those vaccinated in the U.K., the E.U. and Canada."

Stressing on the damages being caused by the border closures, Barnes further added, “International travel is an export industry, and the balance of travel trade historically has favored the United States. Closed borders have not eliminated the spread of the delta variant, while continued border closures have further delayed the return of American jobs and a greater economic recovery.

“To U.S. government leaders we say: Let’s establish a plan—now—as the British and Canadian and other governments have done, to begin reopening international travel.

“To all, we say: Heed the calls from health authorities and get a vaccine. It’s the fastest path to normalcy for all,” Barnes concluded.

Britain's reported plan to open borders for fully vaccinated U.S. and E.U. travelers comes amid reports that continued travel restrictions from these countries were hampering U.K.'s economic recovery.

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