Travelport Launches Free Airline Health & Safety Tracker

In response to demand from travelers and travel advisors for information on airline health and safety measures, Travelport has launched the Travelport Airline Health & Safety Tracker. The tool, which is free of charge and available to both Travelport customers and the wider industry, highlights the safety measures being undertaken by more than 80 of the world’s largest airlines—all available at a glance. It is delivered to both online and offline travel agencies through the recently launched Travelport COVID-19 Smartpoint Plugin, Travelport’s API-based merchandising solution, Branded Fares Data File, and the company’s COVID-19 Resource Hub, which is also available to the general public. 

The Travelport Airline Health & Safety Tracker monitors the use of seven safety measures: Mandated use of face masks, socially distanced seating, temperature checks before boarding, improved air filtration, enhanced cleaning programs, reduced onboard food and beverage services, and mandated traveler health certification or declaration. The data is presented in a simple visual format and is updated by Travelport on a weekly basis. 

In the Travelport COVID-19 Smartpoint Plugin, which can be downloaded from Travelport Marketplace, the information is available alongside details on government restrictions, lockdowns and safety measures, which is updated on a daily basis by global travel safety intelligence provider, Safeture. Information can be surfaced at the click of a button, based on the itinerary being booked. 

As the airline safety information is also available through Travelport Branded Fares Data File, Travelport’s online travel agency, corporate booking tool and travel meta-search, customers can easily integrate Travelport Airline Health & Safety Tracker data into their own booking tools.

Additionally, all of the information is available on the Travelport COVID-19 Resource Hub, along with information on travel restrictions across the world; airline, hotel and car policy trackers; direct links to Travelport support services, and guides to the best way to use technology during the crisis.  


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